Sever Storey promotional brochure

Sever Storey is a niche law firm focusing on eminent domain, fighting for landowners. They have expanded from one location in Indianapolis to locations in Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio and North Carolina. The client holds seminars on a weekly basis informing landowners of eminent domain projects in their area and answering questions. They needed a leave behind print piece for prospective clients detailing what Sever Storey does and how they can help. Client had mentioned a traditional 8.5″ x 11″ tri-fold, MSD took it a step farther and made a 17″ x 11″ bi-fold. This oversize brochure is not your traditional lawyer type marketing piece, there are no images of law books on a shelf in the background, no lawyers in 3-piece suits. The informative brochure is visually striking and speaks to the audience.

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