Cellular Necessities – kiosk graphics

Cellular Necessities is a full service cellular phone repair shop that also sells protective cases. They are located in Castleton Square and Greenwood Park malls. They are in a very competitive field so we have to go the extra step to help them standout and attract more business. The malls have very strict regulations on how you can advertise and the overall dimensions of items. So we were fairly limited to what we could do, it basically had to be on the kiosk and not stick up above the showcases. We needed to let every customer walking by that Cellular Necessities repairs broken or damaged phones, not just sell phone cases. We created bright, eye catching graphics relaying that message. 8 panels on the kiosk were wrapped in a vinyl material that can be easily removed if need. The panels have been a great success as business has increased since they were installed!

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